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Happy hanging pot with odd blue socks


Shop for belinism home wares, prints and ceramic loveliness

Happy hanging pot with odd blue socks

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sold out

Happy hanging pot with odd blue socks


Sweet happy hanging pot, wearing dark and light blue socks. Ideal for a little bunch of dried flowers to hang in a window or on the veranda/porch. Great for potpourri, scented wood chips or succulents.

Entirely hand made in my country studio pottery.

Check my Instagram feed or join my mailing list for a behind the scenes look at my production processes.

These little guys are all similar, but their actual dimensions vary from piece to piece. Some are a little taller, some are a bit bigger around the bottom… as they are very individually handmade.

Approximate size
Diameter: 6.5 - 8 cm (2.75 - 3.25")
Height: 10 - 12 cm (4 - 4.75")

Packaging and postage included if postage is within Australia. If you are an International purchaser please email me before purchasing and I will give you a postage quote.

If you are interested in sending this little art piece to someone else, just let me know. If you'd like me to add a complimentary hand written note for that person, please email me your text :)

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